Welcome to Our World

I'm Luiz Fernando, better known as LF, CEO of LF Digital Ventures.

We develop.

We do Automation Manager.

We create Digital Technology.

based in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais - Brazil.

Get to know us

About Us

Hello! We are LF Digital Ventures.

We combine our extensive marketing knowledge with my experience in developing digital technologies. 250+ clients have procured exceptional results and happiness while working with us.

We have developers, copywriters, traffic managers, automation managers, content creators, information architects, AI specialists.

Delivering work that meets expectations and meets the client's needs is our motto.

Our Services

How we can help take your next project to new heights! Thousands of clients have achieved exceptional results while working with us.

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Our Skills

Here are some of our skills.

Web Development 99%

Technology Development 85%

Automation Flow Intelligence 90%

Digital Marketing 85%

Contact Us

Send us a note, and let’s get started on your project today!